Story-Sharing Thread

1. Yes
2. No
3. Nay, and so far never have been
4. Aye
5. I suppose so?
6. Haven't had a crush in a while but the only consistent thing is short
7. Preferably a girl, definitely open to talk about serious shit
8. Sure, why not
9. I like rings
10. Takes me a while but yes
11. Sadly yes, working on it
12. Nay
13. No, but they look nice
14. Hopefully in the future
15. I don't like contact at all
16. Sun/Tue/Thur
17. lolno
18. Probably
19. I hope so
20. Definitely not
21. Not really in the mood
22. Only my best friend <3
23. Yeah, a poem
24. Never been in a relationship
25. See above
26. God, no
27. Yes, over both, not always crushes
28. Always 29. I wish
30. I wish
31. Kissless mate here
32. I love my best friend but I'd never be attracted to her so no
33. Yep. Caused some drama
34. Not yet
35. Fortunately not
36. Yes, I deleted them all
37. I'm an innocent virgin
38. Having never kissed I don't know
39. Me and my hand are getting married soon
40. N/A 41. None
42. I'm a pure virgin
43. 15
44. "oh, ok"
45. They never bug me, it's almost as if they didn't exist
46. "who are you"
47. I'd do absolutely anything for my closest friends tbh fam
48. I gave up on an old friendship after she refused to delete naked pics of me she'd taken without me noticing while I was trying some clothes at the mall, she still a cunt
49. I'm single mate
50. Yep
51. Haven't had romantic relationships so I'll go with friendships. So I once had a very close friend but then she abused my anxiety issues to make me do her homework and took pics of me while I was naked "for fun" and generally gave a big boost to the development of my current mental issues. On a happier note, I talked my best friend out of taking more xanax pills. I'm surrounded by happy people
52. I'm of average height, I have very blue eyes, my cheeks are tender and soft and squishy and please stop grabbing them, I'm letting my hair grow long&luscious, I have a lot of scars, I can't grow chest hair, my left foot is a size smaller than the right one, I have a cute nose (imo)
53. I would if I had one
54. Fuck, I really have no idea. Never thought too much about having a girlfriend/boyfriend.
56. My hand is as old as me
57. Their face
58. See n.54
59. Orifice penetration
60. Performing romantical activities with someone who is not your SO
61. I am a chaste virgin
62. I am an angelic virgin
63. Never went on a date so dunno
64. Bi fam
65. I . . . . NO
67. Too embarassed to talk about it, lol
68. I'm a convinced virgin
69. Buy me clothes, thanks
70. Height.
71. I've been gifted a red scarf by my best friend and I've worn it everyday from Christmas to a couple weeks ago
72. Spent hours talking my best friend out of a panic attack
73. (age)/2+7
74. I once didn't shower for a month and a half straight
75. It's pretty pathetic so let's skip this one
76. Never have
77. Oliver Sykes, Brendon Urie, Tyler Joseph, Emma Watson, can't think of a fifth
78. I'm a kissless virgin

I loved answering to all the relationship questions, thanks OP

/r/teenagers Thread