Story Time Sunday - June 14, 2015

I already posted, but now I have an actual story!

I just went on the absolute best first date I've ever had. After being rejected by the Former Virgin, I had a bout of massive insecurity then decided that was dumb and blasted out messages to anyone who had answered loads of sex questions (woohoo for reactionary dating!), just one liners about something in their profile.

This guy answered and we had good conversations about the culture in our city, the way the Marvel Universe TV shows and movies could have a huge impact on how people consume media, and so on. Then he gave me his number so we could make concrete plans. We started texting about regular stuff, then he asked me about sexy-times stuff which turned into straight up sexting. He was so kind and respectful, he wasn't upset at all when I told him I was uncomfortable sending naked pics and asked before he sent any dick pics plus the conversation was hot as hell.

Our date was today, and it was seriously amazing. I broke so many of my own rules for myself with him; sexting before meeting, I did end up sending dirty pics of myself (first time I've ever done that), going to see a movie on the first date, I let him pick me up instead of meeting at the place, and I didn't wear underwear.

The only downside is we both live with our parents right now because he's shopping for a house. But on the bright side the conversation was amazing and the orgasm total for the night was 8, even without going into a house.

We both were talking about future dates before we even had the first one, and we haven't set up any concrete plans yet but I'm fairly positive we are going to hang out lots more. I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a person!

/r/OkCupid Thread