Students, what is the worst experience you have had with a teacher?

My first grade teacher was a horrible person. She openly told us that boys were much smarter than girls, and that girls are too whiney. She made me in charge of turning the lights on/off (at my own discretion) when my fellow students got too loud. I didn't want to do it so I,as a female student, was just being difficult - she would actually scream at me in front of my classmates to "do my job." She also loved screaming and humiliating students who mispronounced words when we went around a circle to read books (you know, because we were first graders who were learning how to read). This lady had a cruel streak, and created a lot of unnecessary anxiety for many of us.

Another awful teacher would be my 8th grade who sexually assaulted me. After it happened, a lot of the behaviors of a fellow student in my class (who happened to look a lot like me) started to make sense: she just stopped coming to his classes or was very late....and the asshole would badmouth her to us when she wasn't there. She mysteriously left at the beginning of the following school year.

I reported the assault to the police, and the school immediately tried to sweep it under the rug. One other victim did come forward. She also looked like me but had been assaulted about 15 years before I had been. Our stories were so similar, but since the statute of limitations had passed, her testimony was not admissible during the trial. While the teacher lost his license and did receive jail time, he was never placed on the sex offender registry - and was allowed to "resign" from the school. He only spent a few months in jail. From what I understand, he now runs art workshops for "young people."

/r/AskReddit Thread