A study published on Thursday found more than 27,000 deaths in Scotland have been prevented by Covid vaccinations. Researchers estimate that 86% of deaths in Scotland among the over-60s were averted by vaccines.

Removing 20% of salt from potato chips has saved 33094 lives in Belgium, in 2021. This is plain propaganda. There is no way to measure this, without having other factors in account. He didn't misinterpreted the data, what he showed is that it can be extrapolated to the entire population, given that the study has many flaws, specially the fact that it doesn't use the correlation between "risky" infected vs mortality!! Imagine that everyone that was "supposed" to die from covid has already died, whether by having a weak immune system or other diseases/conditions. The mortality rate of covid is low and it's not a death sentence, even before the vaccine there were miraculous recoveries. It was never above 14% in most developed countries for that age span, besides, hospitals are not even close to the situation it was one year ago, so these factors must be taken in account.

/r/science Thread Parent Link - bbc.co.uk