This sub can go fuck itself

All the unpopular opinions on this sub are actually opinions that many many people hold, hell, even a majority, but they don't say it out loud because they are worried about being shunned, ostracized, and so forth by people like you.

Just because most people here don't toe-to-line far left liberal ideology, doesn't mean people are stupid, or fascist, or Nazis. People are sick and tired or SJW, PC, and woke culture. Hell, I use to be a liberal ! I grew up in a liberal family, but this PC/SJW/Woke bullshit it is why I am not left anymore. If anything, I'm a moderate who leans right.

You seem interested in far right politics. A lot of people are because they are wondering how we started thinking this way. I would highly recommend a movie called "Alt Right: Age of Rage". In the interviews in that movie people explained the movement that around 90% of people are not actual White supremacists, it's just that 10 %. That 10% is not good, I agree, but most of us just love freedom of speech and we feel like it is being threatened more and more every day.

/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion Thread