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  1. How can you skew a bod pod test? 2. What would you run to get as big/aesthetic/lean as possible in 8 weeks?

I need some guidance. My gym has an 8 week body transformation challenge. $100 entry fee with a $10,000 grand prize. They supply bod pod testing for before and after. "Testing procedure will be gauged by body fat variance, muscle mass gained, inch variance in 4 regions and weight variance." It starts 3/1 and ends 4/30. Testing is done a few days prior to each date. This isn't a world-wide thing either. It's a small gym franchise with 3 locations in a 25 mile radius. I think I've got real shot here.

I am coming off a big weight loss. 215-168 (carb depleted). This alone makes me think I can get some real easy rebound gains and put myself ahead of the competition. I started test e at 300mg/wk 6 weeks ago because I was losing a lot of strength and wanted to get used to pinning, AI dosing, etc. Sitting at about 14-16% body fat right now. Have DNP and dbol on hand.

My thoughts on how to proceed for maximum body composition change:

Suicide cut with DNP+no carbs until bod pod testing. Hopefully get to 160 by then. Then front load test E and Tren E to reach stable levels of 600mg test/500mg tren ASAP. Or use tren A while E kicks in. Start dbol at 30-45mg/day. Up if need be. Keep fats low, carbs high. 500-700cal over maintenance to start, adjusting based on how tren is going. 30 min LISS fasted cardio ED. Lower test back down to 150-300/wk 2 weeks prior to retesting to stop bloat. Drop dbol a week before and replace it with sdrol. Carb deplete 3 days prior to testing with glycogen depleting workout then finish carb up the night before testing. I'm also thinking about adding in mast p for the last week for the aesthetic.

Advice/critiques/concerns all welcomed.

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