Daily Ask Anything: 2022-04-21

So, I have a close friend who is absolutely insistent on getting on deca given my previous results on a 500deca/500 test E cycle I ran two years ago (I got absolutely stacked). He has 5 vials ready to go as we speak.

He has not lifted more than probably 10 days in his life and is 38 y/o. There is nothing I can tell this man to get him to NOT run deca. He just honestly seems to get more annoyed when I tell him he is a poor candidate and more insistent on doing this. He is a fool, but I love the guy and would like to minimize his sides on/after cycle.

He currently cruises 150mg Test E/week. I am reaching out to this well informed community because I was ill informed on my first cycle, and while I did not get sides, I know that is not the norm.

With mitigating risk in the forefront of my mind, my current protocol for him is as follows:

I need help with deciding PCT and it is still unclear to me whether or not he will need to run adex whilst on blast to inhibit excess prolactin.

He is 6ft, is probably 38% bf, and has very low muscle density. I know this sounds insane. I am not trolling, and I am not the guy whose info I am giving lol. I promise to let you know how this "science experiment" turns out lol.

Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) + Test E (2:1) - 16 Weeks

Week 1 (4-25-22): 250 Test E (Mon/Fri), 250 deca (Mon/Fri)

Week 2: 375 Test E (Mon/Fri), 250 Deca (Mon/Friday)

Week 3: 500 Test E (Mon/Fri) 250 Deca (Mon/Friday)

Weeks 4-18: Continue Week 3 protocol, Deca saturation achieved week 8

Week 19: Discontinue Deca, Begin decreasing test 100mg/week until baseline

/r/steroids Thread