[Support Only] I'm falling out of love with my SO

I know what you're feeling. I too, dated a manchild. He would never congratulate me for anything I did but complained all the time that I didn't support him. He didn't work, he didn't study and was plain rude everytime someone close to him brought the matter up (except for his friends of course. Oh no he was super nice for them!). He wanted to go to University, but he didn't want to study for his SATs. Meanwhile, I'm studying Engineering at a good University, getting good grades and all I got was a "what do you want me to say? you're just doing your duty". Besides, he was so lazy: didn't want to leave the house and didn't shower. When I was with him, he paid no attention to me: just played videogames, watched streams like I wasn't even there. He didn't care about my problems: he said that my personal problems were mine to deal with.

I blame most of this on his mother. She was lazy af: did not work, spent money like crazy (she was a widow and had a subsidy. Her late husband left her lots of money though: she spent it all in a matter of 3 years). And then she was surprised that her son became a NEET! Well lady, you are not setting an example yourself. He would just raise his voice to her whenever she'd tell him to do stuff and she would just get tired about it and let it him have it his way. "Mom I need a 1000€ laptop." "But we don't have money for it." "But I need it for science and bla bla and you spend money too. I'm buying it I don't care what you say." Fast forward 1 month: he gets the laptop...and a 200€ cell phone...and a 1000€ tablet (yeah, a tablet for that price). Fucking spoiled brat.

He thought he was entitled to stuff without working for them. He expected others to do things for him (his family and me) and showed no respect for us. Good fucking ridance!

/r/confession Thread