Why do you support Spurs? Have you experienced abuse because of those reasons? Especially interested in those not from N.London or England

I'm a Texan who grew up playing baseball, basketball, and american football. Played pretty much every sport growing up except for soccer (I don't know why we call it soccer either). Started watching the game 5 years ago when a guy siting next to me in a computer lab class started watching games on his computer during class. Immediately got hooked on the sport. Family friend is from N. London and grew up a Tottenham fan and when I told him I was looking a for a team to support, he told me to watch them play. First two games I watched were the 2-1 wins against Arsenal and Chelsea at home in 2010. The moment I saw the fans erupt and the excitement on the field, I was hooked. I've watched nearly every game (even the 6 AM ones) since then.

Unfortunately, a lot of my friends that watch the game are either Man U, Chelsea, Liverpool, or Man City fans simply because they are easy teams to support. Not many people from where I live have any ties to the UK so supporting a team is essentially picking a name from a hat that consists of the 4 EPL teams, Bayern, RM, and Barca, and sticking to it. Nevertheless, they are diehard supporters of these teams and always give me abuse. I'm the sole Spurs fan of a group of roughly 20 football fans that I regularly talk to. The past few seasons have been rough, with the exception of last season when we all picked on the Man U fans. Being a diehard Spurs fan here does carry a lot of respect in the sense that I'm supporting a team that isn't always the easiest to support. The blowouts of last season brought on a lot of abuse from the other fans of the games, but when we walloped Chelsea last New Year's I was there to dish it right back at them.

Despite some abuse, I'm incredibly proud to be a Spurs fan. I wear Spurs Tshirts and my Vertonghen Jersey all the time around campus, and almost every time I do somebody will ask me what jersey I'm wearing. To that I always respond proudly, "The Tottenham Hotspurs, the best team in North London."

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