[Serious] What's currently "bumming you out?"

Living with my brother. Whilst reading the following, bear in mind my brother is ten years older than I am and I am in my late twenties. We're living together because he used to live at home and now my parents are hoping (read: praying) some of my habits rub off on him. Sadly, this isn't how people work.

  • When I'm out, he takes stuff from my room and loses or breaks it. Doesn't offer to replace it, doesn't say sorry.

  • Usually, I save bits of food for a snack later, or for lunch tomorrow before going out of the flat to enjoy my hobbies. By the time I get back, because he doesn't know how to cook, he'll have eaten it. Despite telling him to, quote, 'stop eating my fucking food', he still eats it. One day, a head of broccoli went yellow before I could eat it so I threw it away. He starts whining that if I let him eat it, it wouldn't have gone to waste. Apparently, this also translates to a whole pan of rice and some tortilla wraps which was about three days worth of lunch.

  • I've recently started going out with a girl. As in, we're official and everything so we're seeing each other a lot. It's pretty great. One thing we like to do together is cook dinner, so we choose what we're cooking, make it nice, set the table and have a nice meal together. Unfortunately, my brother takes this as an invitation to hang around the dinner table and chime in with awkward comments when we're talking to each other before talking non-stop, effectively, killing our conversation.

The other day we were sat under a blanket in the living room because it was cold and he goes, 'What's with this Lennon and Yoko thing you have going on?' in a 'haha, you guys are losers' tone. I cringed. Fortunately, said girlfriend is very understanding.

  • He goes to the toilet in the middle of the night and doesn't turn the light on meaning I wake up to the delightful view of a toilet with a piss covered seat.

  • Never buys any communal items, but if you buy some, he'll absolutely obliterate it before you get any. Buy a loaf of bread? Expect 80% of it to be gone before you've had a chance to get at it. No toilet roll? He'll scratch around in his bag for napkins taken from fast food restaurants before buying a pack.

  • If he's watching something on the TV I don't really want to watch, I'll go into my room and browse reddit. No big deal. If I'm watching something on the TV, it's met with, 'Oh god, not this again. I'll see what else is on' followed by changing the channel, or he'll just change it anyway.

tl;dr. Living with my rude, careless and asshole of a man-child older brother is making me horrendously depressed and I'd do anything to get away from him right now.

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