Survey: Nearly half of Trump voters support a white history month

if we are just on repeat and white people will fail us again.

in another comment, you say white history is racist, yet polish / german history etc is not, yet you continually refer to the diverse group of whites as "white people"

i am just letting you know that there are two ends of the spectrum telling white people they are a non diverse block, one is the neo nazi end, and the other is the left / social justice end.

and yes, white people will fail you so long as you look to them to improve anything.

we probably differ entirely on what we consider systemic racism

i am also a little racist because of how i think apparently

i think things like black history month, and affirmative action are systemic racism, and do nothing but make black people feel oppressed, and make white people feel indifferent, and reinforce negative stereotypes.

it's like when i watch the news and i see during the election, these huge demographic breakdowns on white voters, yet nobody talks about black voters this way. this i consider systemic racism. because it furthers negative stereotypes about blacks (they're all the same) and positive stereotypes about whites (they're different, some are rich, some are poor, some are educated, some are not).

this year some of the exit polls did a little better, and we were able to see what we have known for a little while, that is, educated black people shift republican slightly based on education level, on average.

anyhow i'm rambling. i believe stereotyping is the rawest form of systemic racism and that it predominantly comes from the side of politics that is trying to help.

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