Survivors of attempted murder: what's your story?

At the time my friend was selling, and a friend of a friend wants to buy a zip. Says he wants to meet in the shittiest part of the city, my friend was a little sketched out by that, so he brought me and another friend of ours. I kinda had a bad feeling about it, but our little group was kinda the shit where we were from, and we felt pretty invincible.

We get to the place and we meet up with our "friend". Everything seemed so normal, he says hi with a smile on his face as if nothing is wrong. We get out of the car and all walk to the house. In hindsight we were stupid for even leaving the car, but nothing seemed weird about it at the time. Once inside, I realized something wasn't right, the looks on these guys faces were off somehow. There were only 2 people in that shithole traphouse, but our "friend" shuts the door behind us and instantly changes. It's like he was a completely different person all of a sudden. He tells us to leave the weed and get the fuck out, and the other guys get up and start walking towards us.

What happens next was really more of a blur for me. Things obviously escalated quickly, and before I knew it we were all in an all out brawl. I remember being on the ground with someone on top of me just beating my face over and over, and my friend hitsticking the fuck out of him. We were just trying to get the fuck out, but they wouldn't really let us. We simply couldn't afford to lose $200 just like that, and was a reputation thing. That and we always kinda liked fighting.

After what seemed like an hour(was probably like 5 minutes), we were finally all able to get out and get to our car. I don't know how or when it happened, but one of them must have texted their boys and told them to come through. We were trying to pull out and this old, beat-to-shit jeep Cherokee comes flying down the tiny dirt road towards us. My friend pulls into a driveway and skirts across their front lawn, the jeep misses our car and slides straight into a tree. The dude in the jeep must have been cocked, cus I don't know who the fuck would pull that shit. We try to pull away quick, but we bust a tire driving down the curb. Now we are wobbling down the road, and we start to hear the loud shots behind us. Next was one of the loudest things I've ever heard, and the windshield completely spiderwebs up. I literally could hear the bullet go past me, but at the time I was so startled I couldn't comprehend what was going on. Instant terror as I could feel pa

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