Symbols and ways to identify

George BUSH. JamesAlefantis (I love infants). David Seaman (often shortens his name to D.Seaman or has "accidental" sperm-puns in his social media links). A transgender-operating male doctor named Rex Butt (Wrecks Butt) on a recent Crowder video that got DMCA'd removed from Youtube. Reality Winner.

It all relates to Mystery Babylon and I've yet to notice a famous person with a name like that who isn't either publicly gay or transgender, it's like part of the whole thing. They hide behind the cover of being a sexual minority to shield themselves from criticism, and openly taunt at the same time. Like a gay transgender handicapped billionaire named "Ilike Bigbutts".

They use these fake names to make people remember them and to give them some kind of mental "power" and to signal to other members of the cult who they are.

It's so obvious to me now after some research that I roll my eyes and go "well fucking duh, of course you have a name like that".

/r/conspiracy Thread