Taking the easy way out, I’m tired.

I’ve done this, that’s why I’m no longer rich lol, because that’s how I cope with my illness, I try to make other people happy, but not just donate on some website, click, okay I feel good. No! I meet people personally, buy groceries and toys for single parents, find a home,job and a shower for someone homeless, shit last week I gave money to some girl on the other side of the world so she can buy meds (I hope it was true lol )

And you know, this does make me happy...until the moment comes where I need help or someone to just hug me and stay silently next to me.

Maybe all the people I’ve helped would gladly return the favor, if I was to tell them my real name and etc, but what’s the point of helping if you do it for the recognition?

/r/bipolar Thread Parent