Tbh I am not even interested lol

Hedge funds were betting on the failure of game stop stonks to make cash, but Redditors on r/wallstreetbets found out so as a hive mind they bought the stonks. However, the billionaires behind the hedge funds got piss scared since they were facing massive loses because they needed the stock prices low to make their buck.

Now the billionaires are trying to push the narrative that redditors are destabilizing the market, while leaving out that they were the initiators of this. Alarmingly, robinhood—a fairly major place to deal with the stonks—closed the open market by restricting the buying of game stop stonks, essentially manipulating the market into lowering game stop stonks.

TL:DR: Redditors made a move that hurt hedge funds in the open market, so the hedge funds are pulling shit out of their ass to get things under their control .

I think that’s the gist of things, but there’s probably a good amount of things missing.

/r/memes Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it