TDW Calculations Currently Broken [spreadsheet full of data inside]

Sorry, but I have to question your methology here. You are basing your claim that TDW doesn't work properly on the discrepancy of "actual ATK" that you calculated off a small sample size (that sometimes even has crits included because you didn't record it properly) to the real ATK value.

See the DW Bronze Knuckle column to see that you once have at least one 201 value without a * and at least once with a * (which is how you are excluding crits). Because of that this skews the average you base your "actual ATK" off. Of course you'll get wrong values like this.

If you wanted to test this properly you'd record ALL damage values (in some of those tests you have only 13 unique non-crit damage values, while fists can have 16 in total). With those values then you could see to which ATK value they fit exactly and then make your claim based on that. But I guess making it easy for yourself by taking some random sample size that doesn't even cover all values (and therefore by design is skewed) is easier.

/r/FFBraveExvius Thread