Teachers of Reddit, what are the most annoying things that students do, that you can't punish them for?

The company I work for is like that too. I report directly to the two owners and they're both very smart guys and excellent bosses, but sometimes the idea fairy visits them in the middle of the night and they just start doing stuff before it's even remotely ready.

"Hey I know we aren't really ready for this new set of policies yet, but I decided that I'm frustrated we aren't doing it yet. It would take us three weeks to properly prepare if we started right now, but I kind of wrote a document last night that explains some of the things so let's have a company-wide conference call today and start doing it."

Then we have a two-hour "training session" and spend 15 minutes screwing with the video conferencing system and waiting for people to show up. The training is conducted with a document that's full of typos and missing sections, or policies that will change in two weeks when everybody realizes it's broken, and when people start asking tactical questions about how to do it, the response is "oh well that part isn't really ready yet, I should have the system up in a few days so don't worry about it right now."

Then a month later, that same owner gets really frustrated that we aren't all doing the new thing perfectly and gripes at me like it's my fault. "We had a meeting a month ago, I don't understand why we aren't all doing the thing??"

Even worse is when it's some new product that we deploy to a customer before anybody internally even knows how it works.

BUT, at least there's no political nonsense, common-core, angry parents, caustic children, and so on. Also, I'm sitting at my desk messaging an interesting person while eating macaroni and cheese, so I've got that going for me.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent