Team Liquid abandons Blackout for Apex Legends: "There wasn’t any interest from the devs for hosting any events or focusing on anything esport related for Blackout. When Respawn came out and said they would support the esport scene, most of the competitive Blackout players switched over."

I hate how games like these get shitted our yearly. Assassins creed. Any type of sport games. Call of duty. So on and so forth. With that said you would think I would have learned my lesson.

I hadn’t bought a call of duty game since that shit show advanced warfare. Then I got a decent paying job and bought black ops 4 to play with my buddies when the game released. Halfway through January I never touched the game again. It was just dead to me. So many shitty things in game. Bugs for days. Makes me pissed just thinking about it.

Now I don’t have my decent paying job anymore and I regret spending money at all on something so stupid. Will never buy a call of duty game again.

/r/apexlegends Thread Link -