Teen girl living at home is sneaking out of the house for some swinging black dick, when daddy cuts her off for lying about what she has been doing while living at home she makes up a GoFundMe about her parents being racist and cashes out for $12,000.

have to support her till the end of high school

Article makes it sound like she's either finished HS and is/was heading to college, or that she is already in college.

took away an adult's personal savings

Whose money was it, though? Was it her money that she worked for and saved in her own account? Or was it money that the parents put in an account for her to use? How can somebody just walk into a bank and commandeer the account of a third party without committing numerous crimes?

and her car

Whose car was it, though? Was it her car, that she bought for with her own money? Was it a car that her parents bought for her to use? Whose name is on the title? How can a person just commandeer someone else's vehicle without committing numerous crimes?

Good luck getting a job

That statement applies to literally every person who lives and works in the US. Is it somehow unfair that this young woman is being held to the same standard as the rest of working Americans?

did have a job but was forced to quit

Well, I guess if she's living off Mommy and Daddy's money, she should listen to what they say. Let her take the bus like anyone else would have to. How is it that she should be entitled to a free ride from her parents and she should get to dictate the terms of the arrangement? That's not how life works.

/r/Drama Thread Parent Link - m.independent.ie