"Telephone calls from young carti said its lit called the yung lord asap bari he a bitch" -Asap rocky at agenda 2017

aye man i know you're trying to make a point but i don't know if that's the way to do it. a lot of people have spoken up against Ian, and of course we should listen to them, but this guy is just giving you his story about how somebody falsely accused him of something terrible, in doing so ruining his life.

you can think what you want about Ian, and 10 people is a lot, but the guy is just trying to put in perspective the fact that people spreading falsities, whether it be through the people who accuse others of awful things, friends who look at you different or distance themselves from you even after the truth is known, or even people talking online spreading shit we really don't know anything about. it's all the same stuff. we know what we know, but at the end of the day whether or not you wanna draw conclusions and accusations is on you.

I think that you're entitled to feeling whatever way you do about Ian based on what you know and the conclusions you've drawn from that, but try to keep in mind what the guy you're replying to is saying and how stinging it may be to have that combated with something like "okay? is that 10 tho?"

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