Tell us about your first love

I met my lover because I searched on google 'Venezuela Madonna Fan'. I was a big fan and felt very alone, no one understood why I liked Madonna so much (not anymore, I'm a little monster, sorry). So I found a blog he used to run, he was a fan too. So we started chatting. In the meanwhile, we did very cool things before seeing each other. For example, I sent him a page with my hand print on it. He did the same, we had hands same size. :) Long story short: We met each other when I was 17 and he was 19. The first time he saw me, he ran so hard to hug me that my hat just fell off. And I never felt a hug like that before. He kissed me and said he loved me. I invited him to my house, and he said he was going but we were not having sex because he wanted to do it the right way. So we were pretty much held hands and talked while being in my room. :) He convinced me to move to his city, so we studied at the same university. He helped me a lot because he was an advanced student. We studied software engineering, so he taught me how to program, he taught me the first hello world (or maybe hello love). But then: I moved out of the city because I found a very good opportunity far away from him (he couldn't move with me because he had good opportunities in his hometown), I even studied English in the USA for 4 months while he was in Venezuela, but we tried to fight for our relationship as much as we could. We spent 2 years far away from each other (while I was working, or studying English). I visited him every two months (He cried everytime I had to leave. I don't cry that much even though I love him). Finally. I came back to the city were we studied, his hometown, back in January, this year, and again, we're happy together. We've been boyfriends for almost 9 years. Since I was 17. Can you believe it? We plan to live togethe and have kids and cats. We don't understand each other anymore with the music thing. He hates 'Applause' and I can't forgive him. Just kidding. Based on my relationship: I just want to tell you that true love exists, but it's not perfect. :)

/r/gaybros Thread