I tell people I don't hate kids, but I do

The problem is with word hate. Dont get me wrong, word hate is kinda apt when talking about "A strong dislike", but because you are talking about people(or even animals), using word hate is very dangerous and loaded.

Lets say, for the sake of argument, I really dislike people with Down Syndrome. I am not a Nazi and I dont wish them harm, but because of bad experiences, and because I am really just a person that really dislike their behaviours, I really dont want to spend any time with them. A bit weird, but understandable, right?

And then, we first meet, talk about some things, debate goes to this topic, and I say "I hate people with Down Syndrome". Whoa!!! I mean... it could mean that I dislike them and I dont like to spend time aroud them. Or it could mean I am proponent of eugenics. And even if its the former, isnt it a bit weird that I have such a strong opinion on people with DS that I chose to use word hate?

You are not a monster, and even using word hate isnt exactly incorrect, its just jarring. You are using a very strong word, and you are directing it on people that have no choice but behave like they do.

So, when I talk about my dislike of children, I never use hate, I dont even say that I dislike children. I usually say "I dislike spending time around them", "I dislike their behaviour", "I dislike how loud they are", "I am not huge fan of kids", "I am not family oriented, if you get my jist", etc. so its not directed at children themselves, as they dont really have option to behave differently.

/r/childfree Thread