Terrible first year at UCD as transfer; Reassure me?

I flunked out of Davis because of bad grades and had to get readmitted. You should be fine.

As someone else mentioned, it's actually kind of hard to get kicked out for bad grades. If your GPA is below 2.0 you get put on probation and then if you don't get it up by a certain amount of time you can be subjected to dismissal. Sometimes, like in my case, if you do really poorly you can skip straight to being subjected to dismissal.

At that point you're pretty much shitting your pants and get a scary letter from the dean's office, requiring you to meet with an advisor. If this happens to you and you don't have a legitimate excuse, just make one up. Think about ways you can improve your performance and tell them that. Most likely they will give you a contract, which requires you to meet certain criteria in order to stay in school. They give you the next quarter to fulfill the contract and if you don't, you're gone.

I won't say too much about getting readmitted, but in case anyone's wondering, it's doable. I don't know how easy it is to get readmitted, but I do know that I did a lot of work (without being prompted by the university to). If you can prove that whatever caused you to fail the first time won't happen again and that you've fixed your issues, most likely they will let you back in. It probably depends on your major, though. They kick you out from further fucking up your GPA. They want you to succeed, so they may give you another chance. You're given another contract to meet. If you fail that one, more than likely you're out for good (or at least a long time).

That being said, everyone has shitty quarters. I didn't let flunking out keep me from succeeding. I came back and was able to get my GPA back above a 3.0 before graduating. You'll be fine.

tl;dr: It takes a lot to get kicked out. Most people go through a rough patch. You have a whole year left, you can do well.

/r/UCDavis Thread