Tesla, Google, Apple, Amazon, Spotify.. what’s the next stock of a decade?

I started working as a web developer last year. I feel like I have learnt more from online courses(udemy, coursera, udacity, etc) and youtube in one year than the 8 years I spent in college and grad school.

There are so many high quality free learning material on the internet but it is hard to find a good learning path/roadmap with a well curated list of resrouces. The issue is that a lot of these resources are outdated, many youtube videos focus on beginner level material, a lot of recommendation list are biased or largely overlapping. The course ratings are not relibale(people who rate the course are usually beginner who have no reference for comparison or have not even finsihed the course yet). There is too much noise that stops you from finding what you are looking for. Also a lot of these contents are video based, you cant easily search through them like text(even thuogh youtube already has auto transcript function).

I think there should be some open source cross-platform way that allow people to stitch these resources together to form a complete course/prgramme(people can create their learning path, share them, other people can rate them, create forks and customize, the video content should be searchable, each video has a comment section where you can easily create and share notes(maybe directly annotating on the video and timeline), exercises, solution, github repos)

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