Thank you, Call of the Sea, for making my relationship with my wife substantially better.

u/TweeKINGKev as u/Jsl8's wife. I started a non profit this week dedicated to letting pilots know its not fair that they aren't able to talk to someone when they need it. I think that concept could be applied to any human. And I'm a human before I'm a pilot (clearly, I gave up my medical this year to talk to someone). Project Open Skies inc. (POSI) is the idea I had, I'm relying on my friends to help me with the rest. It sounds like you would be the perfect candidate for one of my open board of advisors roles. What title would you like, I'd hire you for anything because you are open minded and that makes all the difference. We may not have it all together but together we have it all.

instagram - projectopenskies
Linked in -

email - [email protected]

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