"Thanks to the new female Doctor Who, my children will know that woman can be epic, strong heroes and leaders."

Better looking

This reminds me of an incident a few months back. While most people hate fat-pride blogs and body size acceptance activists, I do have to state that some of them are slowly coming around to the fact that they're being played. I personally helped one who was doxed by other big-bloggers after they pointed out that a lot of the bigger models and characters on TV tend to be more... aesthetically pleasing than your average large person. When this blogger made this observation, those in their community attacked and doxed them. This is because people don't want to admit that the so called representations on TV and films are the rare exceptions, nor do they realize just how much surgery, training and overall makeup goes into making an actor or actress look the way they do. It's all movie-magic/deception and if more people admitted it, then their arguments of "LOOK AT THIS PERSON!" (and pointing at someone on TV or a film) would fall apart.

The fat acceptance/body positive community, like most of the recent communities on Tumblr or the net, is slowly shrinking due to a lot of people not wanting to be associated with the so called toxicity or realizing that it's being usurped by one group instead of representing the whole spectrum (those with disorders, missing limbs...etc). Quite sad, honestly, how anyone who points out the obvious gets attacked.

Then again, the PB is becoming awfully popular among those seen on the Left due to how bad doxing has become. Sad, really, that no one can discuss their own opinions or beliefs without getting threats.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it