The_Donald Is Full of Pissed Off Losers Who Mirror SJW's

Universities are fucking awful.

I say this because they are a distraction to real issues. The people struggling with problems with race or gender or sex are trapped in a fake society. These people are distracted and complain inside the university. But universities don't care at all. I mean why should they? They're for profit institutions AND they are a containment for people who want social change. It's a win-win for all rich people/firms/institutions.

But as a consequence, people are being forced to look at social issues in the most annoying and unnuanced way. But goddamnit if there aren't some fucking stupid libertarians and conservatives who buy into this shit. You libertarians and conservatives choose to be as blind as liberals but for different reasons. Liberals see problems in capitalism, but expect the government to care for them and help improve things. The more right wing alternative believes that the state is an evil that holds unlawful and corrupt power over the people, but completely fail to see how the free market does the same thing.

While you're both shitting rhetoric in your echo chambers the rich and wealthy profit out of it, because nothing is being done to stop them. Where you both fail is that you have faith in the current system in place in America or other Western countries. You choose to believe that while NK and Iran are oppressive brutal theocratic/totalitarian states, the United States is justified in holding 25% of the world's prison population. Mock the love for Kim Jong Un but turn the other cheek and awesome Hillary/Obama/Trump/Biden memes and look up to them. I mean Donald fucking Trump was the anti-establishment candidate? You have got to be kidding me

You think your mom or other sociology professors care about progressive change? No, they are selfish fucks who care for their career. They adopt that stance because it's factual but they don't care.

So yeah universities suck. It's for rich entitled daddy's boys/girls to be able to rape and get away with it and suck the long hard nasty dick of the law, and the state.

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