Their mum is out today so I took my kids to the park. This lady I know comes up to me and asks how come I'm babysitting. Duh, it's called parenting, you muppet! You wouldn't ask a woman that question, would you?

Sounds like a plan; I strongly suspect it depends on the area but I’m sure you’ll be fine. Best of luck!

(Apropos of nothing, I’ve ended up teaching the kids of one or two of these women, and they’re just as unpleasant in that situation too; you can see them splitting off into little cliques waiting to collect, and since ours waited indoors, you hear them bitching about everyone they possibly could know. But it’s a bloody joy to have them in on parents evening and kill off their stupid bloody little theories on what they think you should be doing with, feeding or telling their little ray of sunshine, generally based on whatever Facebook-based article they’ve been reading latest.)

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