I have a theory (potential spoilers, if you haven’t seen 10x07 on AMC Premiere. Don’t look at this)

No, they're making it pretty apparent that they're engaging in misdirection. Usually when in TV shows someone is revealed to be a spy, it tends to be a plot twist that nobody saw coming. If they're making it obvious from the go that he's a spy, when the eventual reveal comes where is the payoff? That's the definition of bad writing.

It's like the TV trope where every time we see somebody tell somebody else in detail what their plan is, we know for certain the plan is going to backfire. Again, what kind of payoff is there when people reveal the details of their plan and then the plan goes off without a hitch?

Lastly, far more convincing arguments have been made against Dante being a spy than in favor of him being one.

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