Has there been any badly received anime where you watched it to see if its as bad as everyone thought it was but instead found it to be really good?

I disagree. Here's a good analysis from the comment section of one of his vids (not mine):

Snob always talks in absolutes:

This show sucks because of X and Y.

X is shit.

While Digibro is careful not to step on anyone's feet:

I think this show sucks because of X and Y, but if you disagree then that's ok as well.

This is why Digibro assumes he acts more mature and open, because he expicitly mentions that this is ONLY HIS OPINION and every other opinion is just as valid. Snob always states his opinion as if it was the only truth there is, so people get mad everytime he opens his mouth. Rori acts accordingly, but as we all know that's just a facade. A persona. What it boils down to is, while Snob speaks in absolutes, it's really just another opinion (just like with Digibro's!), just more provoking. And apparently it works. This channel gives plenty of room for discussion and while admittedly you'll probably never see Snob admitting doing anything wrong (even though he can be), you'll see many different people with many different opinions arguing all over the place.

If we took Digi's approach there wouldn't be any discussion ever because "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion." Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad thing, but it's not what keeps a discussion going.

Example: Person 1: "I like Sword Art Online."

Person 2: "No. I think Sword Art Online sucks, because of X and Y, but it's ok if you like it."

Person 1: "Ok. I still like it."

Person 2: "Ok."

The discussion ends there since there is no point in discussing it any further.

In comparisson Rori isn't satisfied with this sort of conclusion. He'd try to convince you otherwise till his last breath. The problem most people have with this is that he almost never wavers from his own position. He keeps speaking in absolutes and, thus takes risks as people can and will attack him for it. One of these risks is that he can come of as a hypocrite, since while he handles his own opinion as the one and only truth, he is still just as biased as everyone else, since he is still human and will from time to time contradict himself.

What bothered me about this arguement is that Digibro acts high and mighty, because he assumes he's being more considerate, when it's really just apathy. Why doesn't Rori just read books? Well, from what we know about him, Anime plays a very big part of his life. It's his passion. Sure, call him a loser or a nerd, but he never denies this and he stays true to himself. He knows he himself is a part of the Anime community so he tries to change it to what he believes would be better (Wether or not that would actually be the case is out in the open), while Digibro flat out ignores all those who disagree with him, because he believes every opinion is right in its own way. This isn't tolerance, but apathy. Snob and Digibro BOTH have their opinion. If you DO have an opinion then it means you believe in what you think is right. So it ALSO means that (while not always worth mentioning/making a fuss about) you disagree with those who think otherwise. Everytime someone disagrees with Snob, he engages in discussion and tries to convince the opposite party otherwise, while Digibro avoids having a discussion by labeling it as "Someone else's opinion", that might or might not be correct.

In person I think I am even more like Digibro. I have my own opinion and usually, I don't feel the need to convince everyone else of it. But that's because I don't care, not because I'm tolerant. And that's why I think it's nice to have people like ThatAnimeSnob around who care enough, even though I don't always agree with him.

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