Was there ever a time you're thankful the pandemic happened? What was the reason?

The company I work for was planning to raise the starting wage by the end of this year, but we got a hazard pay bump in March due to Covid. Then it got extended to April, then to May, then they just said "alright it's permanent, we were gonna do it anyway."

An extra $2/hr 6+ months earlier than expected let me save a bit more money and put me right over the line to qualify for a mortgage, which then let me put an offer on a house in October - the house I've now been living in since December.

I would have gotten the mortgage qualification eventually, but the timing allowed me to get an excellent deal on this house which was close to being taken off the market by the seller. Would not have gotten it if I hadn't gotten that pay raise due to Covid.

/r/AskReddit Thread