There, I fixed the prices for the shop

Yes Destiny does a lot of things a lot better than Halo (you don’t need to unlock each individual left/right shoulder pad, for instance), but that’s to be expected since Bungie has been working on it and responding to player feedback for near a decade. People forget how much hate and backlash it had initially and how many changes they’ve implemented only to backtrack in response to overwhelmingly negative responses.

However, even with all the changes that have come and gone, no eververse armor set has ever been at a reduced price and the battlepasses have always had plenty of filler in the form of whatever arbitrary material Bungie decides is now relevant. Its just too obviously a slap in the face for paying customers to backtrack on your pricing, at least without compensating them in some significant way. I appreciate that paid armor sets can hypothetically be bought, but 6000 bright dust isn’t easy to come by, and even if you manage to save up that much, many armor sets have been out of rotation for years by this point.

Honestly, my biggest complaint with Halo is just that so many items in the shop are so lame. Every single gun skin that has been in the shop would be included in the default or extremely low tier skins of Apex Legends, whereas paid skins are supposed to look amazing and exotic and often completely remodel the weapon.

Halo infinite has a long way to go, and is riddled with terrible and greedy practices, but since its pushing for a Destiny-esque live service game model, I have faith that it will get better over time. I certainly do not think, though, that those prices will ever go down.

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