There needs to be more resources and forgiveness for people that have records

Well first, I don't know why this didn't occur to me to say this to you earlier, but the individual it affects would pay for it. There would be a process like how it basically is now but there be a few tax dollars spent on letting people know about it. The individual, after completing their sentence and qualifying based on set parameters (like no other cases since then) and not owing government money (might need to make an exception for child support, but whatever on that since it doesn't apply to my situation) having the opportunity to petition for whatever. Expungement, records sealed, restoration of rights, etc. I think most people in my situation and similar would happily pay a reasonable amount of money in fees and court costs to have a record equivalent for "accident forgiveness."

Stop trying to poke holes in an idea for your bullshit cost idea, I'm not Bernie Sanders and this isn't just for undeserving people you can thumb your nose at cause fuck every one else. This isn't some socialist idea, this might actually help the economy and social pressures of certain areas. It could also be a mistake in some cases too. Still worth it in my mind.

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