there is no real way to get help?

There is no one that can help. The people who are poor still deserve to be helped. And maybe more than anyone else. I am a MILLIONAIRE. And I am going to DIE tonight. because i didn't get help. Because NOONE WOULD HELP. NOONE WOULD HELP. NOBODY. NOOONE. I am dying tonight because I cant get help from anyone. And I live in Dallas TX, and the homeowners are going to wake up to a text about how I killed myself and they need to call the cleanup crew to pick up my body, but I left them 60k in cash in the house to deal with the damage and clean up.

I am a fucking MILLIONAIRE, and I still couldn't get help in this fucking SHIT FUCKING HOLE of a nation. FUCKING CHRIST. Like. What does it take to get real help? Let me tell you something. NOBODY really cares. Noone. If you're having problems, DO NOT THINK FOR A SECOND. That people are there to help you, because there aren't. By the time all of you read this message, I will have a 00 buckshot shell through the side of my head with a benelli 12ga sawed off.

I'm going to die now, but seriously i hope this sends a message that you fucking pricks need to help people who grew up in an abusive household. Because that shit is hard to deal with, and I can't deal with it anymore. I am 33 fucking years old. I am not young, I am not dumb, or full of cum. I am fucking 33. And I am still killing myself tonight because I have spent almost 100k usd on help, and nobody REALLY wants to help. They just all want your fucking money. FUCK THESE PEOPLE. AND FUCK ALL OF YOU. Because now I am going to die, and I could have been something in this fucking society. But now I won't . Seriously. This is the most USELESS death that I can imagine. And I'm not the only one. There are 100's of thousands more.

Fuck all of you.

/r/AskReddit Thread