Is there really good Swiss University with education in English?

Op's being a dick.

Swiss families, culture, and education system pushes most kids to already know what they're interested in by the age of 14-16. And, as typical Swiss, they stick to it until the next cross road (~ 19-20 years old). But they already know what they want to do next by 18-19 years old.

i.e. Swiss kids already learn, guided by parents & teachers & career psychologists, to be pro-active, try hobbies that are closely related to their future apprenticeship/highschool & career dreams, and apply for, visit & do internships in companies around 13-14 y.o... and again around 17-18. and again during uni...

It's an entirely different system to some other countries, where kids are allowed to be kids until the end of highschool. And for the US even during the first 2 years of college, when you can explore lots of different fields...

It has its advantages and disadvantages... One of the latter being that young Swiss can be very critical and bitter towards those who were allowed to be kids until their early 20s.

/r/Switzerland Thread Parent