Obwalden and Nidwalden just voted against climate neutrality by 2040. lets discuss.

The points above are valid.

This is exactly why I am a-political. The Left cannot take any criticism (most are absolutists), so they never even try to come back with a solution that works for everyone. Instead they shift the onerous to the Right saying "if you don't like this, you come up with something, if you can't, you HAVE to accept it", as if the Left's solution is perfect. That, I am sorry, is Playground Politics, acting like children. It's like they cannot admit that there could be an issue, or that it needs to be discussed like adults.

The Right then comes back with arguments (usually also Playground Politics) and ideas that include reducing the population (blocking immigration) to control the climate etc. These too are things which are not going to happen and should not (look at the nightmares that await Japan as the population declines and the lack of immigration).

However, what I do see as the tendency in most Swiss cities is to tax more and provide fewer services. Great, just what we need.

/r/Switzerland Thread Parent Link - reddit.com