Why i don't vote SP or die Grünen anymore!

Agree but I believe this is not a left / right issue and more due to a generation/tech gap. People on their way out are leading the country. And the young left politicians are copy pasting US issues, because it sells.. it on YouTube/social media after all.

Many older ones especially the right / mid but also an alarmingly high number of "left" politicians are mostly voting to save their rent and are stuck in an 80-90s mindset regarding life in general.

The whole youth 5-35 is basically stuck consuming YouTube/Insta/Tiktok (definitely not an national issue). And 35-80 can only be reached by fucking paper mail and have no clue about tech/information wars, what needs to be preserved to be successful in the future.

The environment/life is changing meanwhile our politicians are stuck, or focused on selling themselfs/ issues that make headlines.

Everything is accelerating, advances in tech / social issues / job landscape / international issues / environmental issues and the our political system, as stable as it is, feels like a snail from an airplane. And I get the feeling we are heading for a crash.

/r/Switzerland Thread