There is a total shit show going down in many feminist / LGBT circles over Islam.

I think it's relevant and a good convincing idea. I think feminism brings a lot of good, convincing ideas to the table.

I just 99% of the time, never see it in practice, at least coming from the feminist side. The 1% of the time I've seen it practiced is that feminist sites default to supporting black men and women in any race controversy (even when it means papering over asians and hispanics).

Most of the time intersectionality is practiced as the opposite of what it means in theory; whereas in theory it means "okay, yes, I understand oppression as a woman, but I also need to think about the way I myself play a part in perpetuating problems of race, class, etc.," it's usually practiced as "the problems in society are caused by cis white straight men - aka people who are not me."

My problem is how the intersectionality issue displays (as obviously demonstrated here in ISOC, but more subtly elsewhere) this fundamental unwillingness of other social justice advocates to practice what they preach and "work on themselves" (as they so frequently say they successfully do) / take their own medicine about their own privilege.

Usually most pronouncedly as someone who grew up with a relatively comfortable lifestyle and aren't subject to the daily humiliations of poverty. And it really shows in their political priorities.

If you asked most women in the country what their top three problems in their life are, I bet overall, "attitudes about sexual assault" and "abortion accessibility" would be pretty far down the list. (Stuff like "making rent" would be a little higher.) The people for whom the former issues are the biggest problems in their life are typically, people who don't have a lot of problems. And yet these are always always always the top issues of Western feminism.

If you bring this up, you get the answer "oh you know intersectionality is hard. We're working on it." And then they just forget about it. They don't care; it's all lip service. There is never any intent to practice what they preach and focus on the greater disadvantages in society even if it is not a problem affecting them right now.

/r/Drama Thread Parent