There's Nothing Wrong With Treating an Asshole Like an Asshole

You are right - I believe I'm looking for a fix-all that likely doesn't (and will never) exist.

I come from a very safe nation, and violence in the realm of politics is unheard of - we have a stable base of values and a reasonably secure balance of power. I think about this with respect to past and current civil wars around the world, where the line is drawn and if these moves were justified. Could this ever happen closer to home?

It seems to be most common that these issues arise in response to power imbalance, often between classes, sometimes, however, on a micro scale. I fear this policy of allowing violence in response to direct action, but objecting to such when action is only implied, is a position that leaders may take advantage of. Why commit genocide, when a leader can just lay the groundwork that pushes divides amongst a struggling working class? Are ground-level attacks where the evil lies? I see there's no doubt that certain kinds of violence are wrong, but how can it feel wrong to the perpetrators when those in positions of power have transformed their reality?

Perhaps the introduction of violence for me implies some sort of greater evil has occurred and I'm confused and on the wrong sub.

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