These days, writing isn't a career. It's a rich man's hobby.

Hahahahaha. God you crack me up. You followed my prediction to the letter. Attack my work but never show any of your own, or offer rebuttals to the original argument. Fail.

Okay, your book is awful, you will never write anything of value, you should stop, but your ego won't allow you. Your life story in a nutshell. Shall I delve further?

I find it so ironic that you understand what the Dunning-Kruger effect is, but are completely blind when it applies to you. Almost all of your posts are downvoted across a wide variety of subs and topics.

This is because you not only don't contribute to the conversation, but actively detract from it. The general consensus is that your posts are worthless, or you wouldn't be downvoted everywhere.

Shy, insecure, buffeted ego relying on a non-existent superior intelligence, late developer romantically, mostly a failure with the opposite sex, gaming/nerd/cosplay crutches, replaced by writing, which could only develop online as it was too bad.

This part cracks me up the most, as I suspect it was torn from your own life. Peruse my top posts again their sparky. I make six figures working for a major San Francisco startup, and I'm sure my girlfriend would find your assertion about failure with the opposite sex quite amusing.

You, on the other hand, posted that you would give up the internet forever for a job that paid well. I already have one, and that's before my writing income is factored in. I earned that job through years of hard work and discipline, which is also how I was able to get published traditionally before going indie. I've hard articles everywhere from Mortgage Originator to The Press Democrat. Have you ever published an article or story? I didn't think so.

I know you'd like to believe I'm a pathetic, basement dwelling neckbeard but I'm not. Go ahead,take a peek.. It's right there for the world to see. My app has been everywhere from NPR to the Colbert Report.

Where are you accolades? Oh right. You don't have any. By your own admission you haven't been published, have a shitty job and can't understand why you are downvoted everywhere you go.

Am I off the mark here? And you think you are special?

No, and that's been my point since my first post. I'm NOT special. Anyone can do what I've done. You're the one contending they can't. That writers can't make money anymore.

My fiction grows more popular every day, but you claim I will never write anything of value. Logic, meet Chode. Chode, meet logic. If it wasn't worth reading people wouldn't read it.

Okay, ready for your next post about how egotistical I am and how I will never amount to anything. Go ahead and attack some more. Otherwise you might have to examine your own pathetic, miserable life and I don't think you'd very much like that.

You should stop, but your ego won't allow you to. So I know I'll see a response, and it will be same drivel you've shoveled for the last few posts.

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