Third Wave Feminism, Antifa, and New-liberalism.

I'm and INFP and while I lean more on the left, I smell BS from both sides and I'm more closer to the center than the extreme left so I'm more of a center-left-winger (the TJ Kirk, Armoured Skeptic, and Shoe0nHead type of left-winger), but I find labels BS and I loathe extremism on both sides and hate partisanship.

As left-leaning as I am, I am disgusted by 3rd-wave Feminism and Anti-Fa aren't even anti-fascist, they sound more like anti-1st amendment. I'm definitely all for equality and absolutist free speech (meaning even hateful people are allowed to say hateful stuff like God Hates Fags or anything despicable), but in the end, freedom of speech =/= freedom from consequences or freedom from criticism so if you got fired for cyber-bullying someone for being gay, it's not a hamper on your free speech.

I'm find with all forms of protesting even if it's hateful and I think what you are doing is stupid, but violence does not protect your right to freedom of speech. Anti-Fa are literally a terrorist group when you think about it, they will beat up anyone that disagrees with their narrative and think anyone who is not as extreme as them are literally Hitler so this is based on political power. Also, 3rd wave feminism is a fuckin joke, they don't give a shit about equality, they just want to play victim complex over everything, call everything misogynistic, and they are promoting and normalizing misandry (sexism against men). Now I will admit, as someone who often say bad things and make crude jokes about feminism/feminists ("Feminism is cancer"), I never really mean it literally because I am not opposed to the concept of feminism at all and I know actual feminism is about gender equality, but the point is, if groups want to educate others about their message, you practice what you preach and that's the problem with 3rd-wave feminism and BLM.

On the other hand, I know not all people who label themselves alt-right are not racist white nationalist, but according to the ideology, the alt-right ideology is racist because any form of ethno-nationalism promotes the concept of putting blanket statement on every race and always view one as the most superior and will deporting any other race to a different country because they claim that they want a race majority because they claim it will keep the country to be the most stable and since it assumes all white people are useful and successful and view all people of other races to be inferior, that's clear racism. I also have loathe the extreme religious right growing up as they were the SJWs back then before even people have ever adopted the term to describe these psycho regressive leftists, let alone Anti-Fa.

/r/mbti Thread