Those who have dated infjs in the past, why did you break up?

I am sorry but if youre INFJ is even just slightly unhealthy you will experience the following from them (I am a female though, and my INFJ was a male, not sure how much that changes things):

  • passive-aggressive, especially in a snipy way. I actually use it myself when I get defensive with someone I feel uncomfortable with, but I very much try to avoid it as I find it to be the equivalent to cutting someone with a scalpel, just without the anaesthetics.

  • The high-and-mighty thing. I get that that's Ni for ya, and I love Ni normally, but there's something about the NiFe combo that just irks me. It's that whole 'This is the way it is/should be and you're an idiot for not seeing it or unworthy for not living up to that standard'. I know INTJs are prone to the same thing especially when it comes to work standards, but somehow I can smile better at that (I'm allergic to guilttripping Fe, so that might be it)

  • The martyr-thing. The 'Woe, me, I'm so tough for bearing this burden while nobody cares.' Not everyone is gifted in seeing that you need help. You have a mouth, you're not a child, ASK! Do NOT guilttrip.

  • Judgemental. Someone who doesn't live up to your standards and has a different pov somehow has to prove their worth to you 10 times before you'll even consider them potentially interesting, or so it feels, at times.

In short, I honestly do not like the INFJ personality very much when it comes to dating and really soul-connecting. Although the feelings can be explosive, it doesn't matter because in the end you just feel so misunderstood and hurt and it's the biggest pile of bs drama I can do without! Prefer to be single any day!

/r/entp Thread