
Shit like this makes me so upset. Not just this, but other studies, probably some of them others have linked here, showing that a great many men think this way and have awful attitudes about rape

I'd like to say I just have a conscience, and that's why I genuinely don't feel the same way. But I'm probably all fucked up in terms of mental issues and hormonal issuss and shit, and idk, it would just be a lot easier to say "well if I can be like this, the rest of you should be able to do it too" if I was actually normal and could relate more to normal men. What if I'm just like this because my body and brain are shit, and it really would be so much harder for normal men to be intrinsically motivated by a core of decent ethics as opposed to merely an extrinsic motivation of law? Maybe it's just a dumb overthinking worry of mine, idk

Even if it is really so common, it isn't necessarily based in biology and could be just due to social constructs, and even if it is partially rooted in biological instincts, there's still hope for social engineering to suppress it and root it out. There's always hope, for a better world and a better humanity. But goddamnit things can really suck

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