What's up with white women who are femcels?

I'm mixed white/nonwhite, have a NC35 skintone (in MAC) so I think I can answer? Never once in my life irl has any guy at all expressed he sees me as female IRL (no creepers. Never had any "beta orbiter", no guy ever wanting sex with me). Only luck was online with a guy that thought my accurate pictures were distorted and not accurate and thought the filtered frauds were the only real ones. Still am KHHV.

I have a a much paler friend that's blue eyed and, even if she's my weight, looks half my size and she gets creepers and approached every day. She has never done anything to make herself look better and has never shaved. She's proud that she doesn't try and tbh, as someone who's spent 1000s of dollars and hours on my looks, I envy her a bit. I don't want to be vain but...here I am. :(

Being unattractive sometimes just goes down to likelihoods? Being fetishized by someone at the other side of the world and seeing that as viable is unrealistic. I've liked all kinds of guys irl...but even the 5"2 ethnic ones liked some cute Stacy. They said I looked like some man. So, idk. I have a policy that I'd just leave here if I was approached by any guy or hit on in person but that has never happened to me so, yeah, here I am.

/r/AskTruFemcels Thread