Thoughts on ABA

Okay. Im not sure what to really say here because as someone that works to support and increase opportunity for people with autism (by work, I mean someone pays me money to show up and do something), I want to say, “you go and be who you are!”, but at the same time, you sound like you’re either 13 years old and have zero understanding of how the world actually is or you’ve been told for far too long that having no expectation for yourself is acceptable. If you can’t work because you’re disabled, fine, but don’t sit here and lecture me about the ills of thinking it reasonable to have some modicum of expectation for people with ASD. But, you keep doing your thing and be glad that most of your peers will wake up this morning, go to work, “put on their masks of social acceptability”, force social niceties they don’t mean, get paid, and most importantly for you, pay their taxes, so people like you can get government assistance to wear fox hats to semi-formal dances and be a “true genius”.

/r/autism Thread Parent