Thoughts on this assertion from Paul Krugman about Trumps economic plan?

If every single worker on the floor of Ford was a Maoist, would the company be Maoist? No.

What? I would definitely say that that would almost certainly point the company in an ideological direction, yes! How the hell do you get no out of every single worker following the same belief system?

The media is not simply journalists... can't for example openly undermine the capitalist system or business or the economic system itself and its inherent politics.

Well that was a fancy, winded paragraph, but I'd say you're wrong -- the media routinely savages corporations for everything from environmental disaster to "not paying workers enough," and the capitalist system is openly questioned and routinely derided as "the problem" in popular media... it's just that the alternatives so far tried have been such abysmal failures that the professional Left has moved the goalposts away from "Socialism" and towards "Social Democracy," with both attempting to resolve the same problems (and arguably realizing the same functional ends).

There are many reputable sources listed in this one Google search. To suggest that corporations can't be criticized is nonsense. It's government that can't be criticized, or journalists will be denied access from press events and things like that. How much have you heard about the EPA's recent environmental spill in Colorado?

So ignoring how news media make money, are run, organized, and by nature power structures in a capitalist system, if you ignore everything about the news media them a superficial and honestly idiotic statement like: journalists are democrats so the media favors them.

Your entire post does not discredit mine. Democrats aren't socialists, but they are to the Left of the NeoLiberal spectrum, which Republicans fall to the right of. In any case, most of the journalists are Democrats, which means they will ask questions and promote topics that Democrats would promote and ask questions about. My link above is an example of that, there's a New York Times story about why "home health aides" are only being paid $9.50 an hour despite the cost of living going up. That isn't a question a conservative audience would ask, because a conservative audience isn't expecting a private business to pay more out of it's coffers purely because cost of living has gone up.

Your criticism that the media doesn't criticize business is just flat wrong, while your criticisms about the media's treatment of unions or alternatives to capitalism bear some validity. I would argue, though, that unions aren't "treated badly" by the media, they just aren't relevant anymore, and don't make the news. To suggest that the media is anti-labor is fucking bullshit, if that were the case what the fuck are we doing on the precipice of a minimum wage hike, if not for the media's unceasing coverage of "stagnant wages" and "income inequality?"

Now how many news stories do you see covering local government policies that are raising the costs of living in that region? What about state government policies? Or Federal government policies? Once in awhile, but let's not forget -- the government is good to Democrats, so clearly that isn't the problem, and we're not going to look there.

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