Is tier 2 still a thing anywhere?

Let’s say Tier 2’s get an extra dollar an hour. What roles would you include for Tier 2?

You mentioned problem solvers. Would you consider PG’s, pallet builders, fluid loaders, pit drivers, tote runners, Amnesty techs, water spiders, ambassadors? What would you include and what would you exclude? What about people that do TDR?

What about the person that trains in problem solve and gets the tier 2 role and only does it once a week. Should they get the same extra $1 an hour when you’re the one doing problem solve every day? What about the ambassador that only trains a class once a month? Should they get the extra $1 just like the amnesty tech that never goes into direct path?

What about the water spider that took the tier 2 role to get the bump in pay but refuses waterspider?

Those are some of the things you’d have to consider.

Being in an indirect role is added responsibility. Some people take on indirect roles because they want the added responsibility to learn more about their department. Some take on indirect roles because they can’t stand being at a station for 10 hours a day.

We all have our reasons, but ultimately taking on those roles is something that we volunteer to do knowing the added responsibilities doesn’t add extra pay.

/r/AmazonFC Thread