TIFU by creating a dick-shaped island and getting suspended.

For some reason this got me thinking about something that happened when I was a schoolkid. It brought up a lot of filth about crappy realities of life, so, fair warning.

Pogs got banned at my elementary because I beat a kid, won his pog, then he threw a fit and his mom complained.

That was the end of it for everyone. I even had to give the pog back because the little fucking asshole wrote his name on the back in pen, so then his mom got mad at my mom until my mom made me give him back his pog.

So him losing his pog caused him to get his pog back and banned an entire schoolkid population from ever playing on that property again. Sure you could do it with friends in your neighborhood but that pool is 1/20 of what it is in elementary (at least it was in my school), so you had all these people with their pog collections just doing fucking nothing with them (I still have mine all these years later, and I haven't done shit with it since that happened).

At least it prepared me for a life of losers ruining things for people who can actually accept failure as part of getting better at something or just accept failure as being shit at something and being bested by someone who isn't a total failure at that thing.

To top it off, this guy now lives on disability because he grew into an alcoholic and it got so bad he couldn't even hold a job anymore, now he's on disability because of what alcoholism (his own fucking choice) did to his system and he goes to the casino once a month. The main reason I never wanted to lose touch with people is because I wanted to always know who people were and who they became regardless of whatever it was they were. A loser who ruins things for other people by slowing things down with his own shit grows into something that gets funded by other people who can do things to continue to drag down with his own loser shit. Imagine if people like him couldn't ruin shit because they couldn't handle losing. Imagine if people like him didn't get any fucking assistance and all that money just went towards enriching the lives of people who can actually do shit.

Circle of life and all that.

/r/tifu Thread