TIFU by voting to end net neutrality

Yeah there is truth to that but again as harsh as this may sound, not my problem! And I would say that against my own color as well. While I believe the government does need to sort that shit out and actually DO something about it it is also up to the communities to WANT to change. Not just expect free handouts and protest when they don't get what they want(and whites are guilty of that too). IMHO whether right or wrong I do not believe Sanders, Hilary, or Trump will make a single percentage point of a difference in this country helping the communities you mentioned. And you can't even really blame any of those candidates. Yes they all suck in their own ways, but it would take a god walking among men to fix this shithole that we live in and actually make people accepting of change as well. As Ghandi said, if we all could just sweep our own front porch... Sadly most aren't even willing to take the simplest of steps as such. I feel no sympathy for criminals for example in Chicago who lie and cheat and steal for a living. While some have to do what they need to to survive, there is a moral limit of what crimes you can and not commit out of innocence and for survival. Murder is not one of them. We need to enforce laws and stop letting people run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Easier said than done but that is the root of the problem. Crime. And until we can stomp that out of those neighborhoods there is no point trying to help them. I gave furniture away once when I used to live in Cleveland. A month later I saw the once good couch out on the edge of the road busted in half! I mean what savage could be given something like that for free (a couch worth probably 2500 new about a year ago) and then just trashed outside within one month when under a civilized owner could have lasted a lifetime! That is why I am reserved when it comes to helping communities like that because even if you try to help they spit it back in your face.

/r/tifu Thread Parent