TIL that 18th Century stereotype of the "lazy southerner" was caused by widespread hookworm infections, which caused poor southerners to be lethargic, malnourished, stunted, and mentally retarded.

Construction worker here. I have talked to a handful Mexican workers about this sort of thing. They work so hard here because back home in Mexico they were making maybe $600 a year. Maybe less. They now make double that in 2 weeks. To put it into perspective.. Imagine you were making $10 an hour your whole life and suddenly you are making $110. That is how the $12 to $15 an hour feels to them. Its a wage well worth keeping in their eyes and they work damn hard, to show their strict Mexican bosses that they don't want to be replaced with the next Mexican in.

They usually have family's back home in Mexico as well. On top of supporting them, they love driving brand spankin new, expensive ass cars. They tend to balance out bills like that by piling about 7 or 8 of them into one house.

After all that has been said, there is one secret that most people don't know about the Mexican worker living in America. It is important as it is the true reason for their amazing work ethic and tireless speed at which they work. Here it is.. Ahem They have meth for blood. Literal Meth blood. Now.. You will run into the occasional Crack blooded Mexican or even Coke blooded.. But they tend to work in the back of kitchens peeling endless amounts of Potatos or being used as a replacement for a broken down power dishwasher.

You may think this is a joke. That I'm just trying to be witty because Reddit and whatnot. To that I'd say.. I'm on Meth

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